Run and Jump
Jump and Reach up High
Run and Fall
Get up and Walk
Get Down and Crawl
Up you Go, Up You Go
Yet you are down,
So Down Below
Can't Crawl no More
Can't Walk no More
No, you can't run
Nor can you jump the Big Jump
You Now sit Still...
No, you are not waiting
There is no One to Wait for.
There is nothing to wait on.
You sit Empty and Still.
4 commentaires:
How strange...are you a machine? It seems like you're selling me stuff by trying to make me feel like I am super great hahaha!
RSS is for Geeks, Not Real People
Hard to believe when you're a techie that reads a LOT of blogs, but apparently it's so.
Hi, I was just blog surfing and found you and i like your blog! If you like, go see my branson getaway related site. You may still find something of interest.
no, i wish I could block you.
not a machine and not selling anything...
i look forward to coming back here often.
: )
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