jeudi, janvier 29, 2004

I can't read no more! ahhhhhhhh

I think that if I read anymore I might go crazy! ahhhhhh It's just too much to "swallow". I just hope that maybe something will stick to my brain. Ah, let's hope. Yeah, I should find another time to read also. This is not a very appropriate time to be up. Anyway, it doesn't matter. If I am not going to school, I should at least take advantage of this "library" called internet. I'm not even sure if I am spelling words correctly for God's sake!

That phrase right there just reminded me that I didn't read The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger today. See, I am a busy woman (yeah right lol). Well, I also understand that I need to concentrate on what's important, which is Jehovah, my God. Yeah, I was reading about religion and all these issues people have against Jehovah's Witnesses. My goodness, It's outrageous, in my opinion. Also, I am not surprised.

Furthermore, I should discontinue my chat doses. It severely cripples me. Yeah, I­t's like some people keep on yapping and don't let me read. This has only taught me a lesson, though. Do not go into Houston chat rooms. People, now I understand, are looking forward to meeting. NO, I am not looking for 34 year old weirdo's on the net, much less date them. Goodness!

Now, I believe I have finished complaining (although I do not like to, but do, for reasons unknown to me), I will go to sleep. I'll try to wake up early. This way, I will save myself the "speech" coming from my beloved mother.

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