mardi, mars 01, 2005

Blowing Your Mind

Originally uploaded by MarXhika.

Quien dijo...

que se tenia que...

ir a la escuela para aprender?

que se tenian que casar?

que tenias que ser inteligentes?

que tenias que saber todas las respuestas?

que tenias que vestir apropiadamente?

que tenias que lucir limpio?

que si no te bañas ya eres sucio?

que si no estas contenta ya eres amargada?

que si eres virgen eres anticuada e inusual?

que los valores, que hoy en dia ya carecen de valor, eran pasados de moda?

que si no te afeitas las piernas ya eres menos femenina?

que si te cortas el pelo ya eres lesbiana?

que si dices cosas fuera de lo comun te hacen loca?

............................. stressing................................

I don't wanna do what everyone expects me to do.

Porque mejor no fui una piedra en vez de eso que le llaman disque humanidad inteligente, pues de donde??? mil veces ser piedra y no sentir emocion, ni razonar, ni ver, ni comer, ni nada, nada, nada, nada....

tengo muchas ganas el dia de hoy irme a dormir y no despertar de nuevo....

7 commentaires:

boo boo a dit…

I know I don't have to do anything I do not want to. I know I haven't done even what I have wanted to do!
So, I know I cannot even obligate myself...I am just tired of society, that's all. We weren't meant to be, if you could say that and make logic out of it...maybe not hehe.

boo boo a dit…

but as soon as you move to the moon more people like you who do not tolerate this system we have not will move along with you and they will start problems and issues of their own...bottom line, there is always the difference in humans, we just have to learn how to tolerate it, no? Everywhere you go you'll face othe people's opinions and they will face yours and it's all about compromising in one way or the other. You cannot ever be alone...I'll post that later haha

boo boo a dit…
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boo boo a dit…
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boo boo a dit…
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boo boo a dit…
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.
boo boo a dit…

umm..something is wrong with the blogger and it posted my last message a billion times so i deleted them bc it just looks stupid...

don't think i'm trying to hide something hmm...