mardi, juillet 05, 2005

Being Alone

Again, a reminder that you're alone. You're alone. There is not an option. Accept reality. You hurt, you bore, you frustrate. You can't live with yourself, you can't live with anyone else. You can't share with anyone else. you can't be part of anything else.

How many times do you have to die only to revive?
How many times do you have to come back and make me feel alive..
alive to feel pain more than to feel love,
alive to feel more shame than to feel pride,
alive to feel more lonely than you feel acompanied,
alive to feel more worthless than the last time...
alive only to cry more than a lifetime
alive only to hurt those today and next time

alive only to hate yourself
alive only to be changing yourself
alive only to be degrading yourself

on, and on, and on, and on....

alive only to wish to be dead.

Alone. Accept it, alone. It can't hurt you anymore.

2 commentaires:

rageforst a dit…

sometimes, then the time is right and yyour smile is dry

Kyra a dit…

Wow...I need to think about all of this more.