lundi, juillet 04, 2005

Dirty Bastards

Originally uploaded by amanece.
Is three a or four the number? Are any of these two a fair number? No one knows. I don't know.

She thought it was a game. Many played that game with her...Did she like it? I guess she did. Otherwise, why did she let them do it?

He would take her out in the woods. Mother didn't suspect anything or did she? Did Grandma?...not sure, but he sure took her out in the woods. She thought it was normal...but if it was normal, why did they hide? If there was nothing wrong with it, why not play in front of the grown- ups?

They were all dirty Bastards, all of them. She later disgusted herself. They were all dirty bastards, even her; she still is. There is no victim.It never washes away...because it doesn't matter if it was a choice or not to play certain games, you've played them, and now you've lost forever.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…


I just finished reading your blog and my obligatory smile froze up. Smile you have on when you see nice pictures in flicker, nice landscapes. people having fun and so on. Froze up in face of a drama, I’m no use to hear and made me very sad to hear things like you write. Did time heal? I really hope so.
Take care