jeudi, février 12, 2004

I am outraged!

it seems like everytime I come in here is because I have something to complain about. Well, I got news for you. Complaining is all I do!Today was crazy though. Someone said I had lesbian tendencies for God's sake! what kind of people are on line anyway? I am not a lesbian or bi and I am seriously going to forget who I am next time and kick someone's butt.

Furthermore, if there is anything I really do not like in this world is for people to pretend they know me. Do you? I don't think so. If you don't even know my real name than you don't know me. There is a lot of people who don't, SHUT IT!I don't want to hear how much you care about me and how beautiful i am, etc. That gets annoying, especially if it's from freaks.

Anyway, there is people who I love and those people I say I love them. If you haven't heard me say it than guess what? Buahahaha...I'm being mean..some. well, it's good to be honest though. I like to be that way as much as i can. Ok now that I got this off my chest, it's time to go bye bye.

you can complain about me here:

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